Standard width 'built in' or under the work top ovens. These can be either Single Door or Two Door ovens, one above the other. Generally 60cm wide.
For an appointment or more information call now 01962 621579
Range Ovens
Range Ovens are wider usually starting at 90cm wide. Single, Double, Treble or Four Door Ranges. If you do not require all of the ovens to be cleaned on multi-door Ranges we are happy to clean to your requirements.
The Range hobs can have anything from four to eight burners and be gas or electric.
For an appointment or more information call now 01962 621579
Agas, Rayburns, Alphas
With Agas, Rayburns and Alphas more of the cleaning work is done on the outside of the oven. Inside and outside of the lids and door are also prone to a build up of brown burnt-on deposits. These oven need to be cold in order for us to clean them so this needs to be taken in to consideration when booking a clean.
For an appointment or more information call now 01962 621579
Standard Microwaves or Combi Microwaves. We use the same cleaning process as on standard ovens.
For an appointment or more information call now 01962 621579
Before & Afters